Sunday, March 18, 2012

Change of view of astronomy

The question was proposed in class as to my view of what astronomy is, and has it changed since the beginning of class.
Well, to answer this question in short so I can get full points for this post, my view has not changed.
My view of astronomy has been broadened then defined in detail about different aspects of astronomy.
Astronomers go out and view through telescopes different regions in space, and hope to find something extraordinary such as a supernova or a binary star system. Astronomers still do what I anticipated at the beginning of the class, so my view cannot have changed.
Today, when we think about optical astronomy, we most instantly visualize the amazing images from the Hubble Space Telescope or close up images of the planets taken by various space probes. What most people don’t realize though, is that these images also yield volumes of information about the structure, nature and evolution of objects in our Universe. There are many sub disciplines in astronomy and I will name a few:
Planetary  Astronomy
Solar Astronomy
Stellar Astronomy
Galactic Astronomy
Extragalactic Astronomy
The two best parts of astronomy that I like are Galactic and Extragalactic, only because the names sound cool!
The Milky Way Galaxy is a very complex system of stars, nebulae, and dust. Astronomers study the motion and evolution of the Milky Way in order to learn how galaxies are formed. Astronomers study other galaxies in the Universe to learn how galaxies are grouped and interact on a large scale.
Now that you are informed the different parts of astronomy, which one do you like the best?!

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