Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dark Matter/Energy?

What is Dark Matter? What is Dark Energy? are they one in the same?
They are both "Dark". My mentor once told me that anything "dark", we have no clue about it.  So if someone ask you a question or ask you to explain something and you have know idea what to say, just tell them that---"its Dark"! And while they may be related, their effects are quite different. dark matter attracts, dark energy repels. Our universe contains 100 billion galaxies, each with billions of stars inside them and great clouds of gas and dust surrounds them.maybe perhaps different planets and moons and other little bits of cosmic celestial objects. The stars produce an abundance of energy, from radio waves to X-rays, which streak across the universe at the speed of light. Yet everything that we can see is like the tip of the cosmic iceberg — it accounts for only about four percent of the total mass and energy in the universe.

About one-quarter of the universe consists of dark matter, which releases no detectable energy, but which exerts a gravitational pull on all the visible matter in the universe. So while dark matter pulls matter inward, dark energy pushes it outward. Our galaxy is about 100,000 light years across, and shaped like a disk, and the stars around our galaxy orbit the center, or center of mass. The closer to the center the faster the star orbits, and stars farther from the center orbit slower. However, calculations show the all the stars orbit about the same speed, which indicates that something is tugging on the stars and making them do this. Calculations also show that a vast "halo" of dark matter surrounds the Milky Way. The halo may be 10 times as massive as the bright disk, so it exerts a strong gravitational pull.
Know one knows what Dark Matter or Dark Energy is? Hopefully one day, I will get my PhD, and f ind out myself. Yes I need a Phd to do it, because if I discover what they are before, and I get published then everyone will call me Mr. Matt of astronomy instead of Dr. Matt.of astronomy---it just sounds better. So in order to discover what Dark matter and energy means, you guys are just going to have to wait until I get my PhD, then I will discover it and tell you. Until then just wait!

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